
Care Credit is a terrific option available to pay for healthcare services. It works like a credit card, however the financing structure is much better than a typical credit card. We can help you to apply for Care Credit right in the office.

What is Low Vision?

Low vision or reduced vision is blurred or missing vision that is typically due to a medical condition. Glasses, contact lenses, surgery and medications, while helpful in improving vision may not provide the vision you need for driving, reading and other activities.

What causes Low Vision?

Some conditions that can cause low vision include Age Related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Diabetes, Cataracts, Albinism, and Retinitis Pigmentosa. While these diseases are the most common forms of low vision, many other eye and systemic diseases exist that can reduce your vision.

We are serious about healthy eyes! Our team is highly trained and equipped with the latest technology to diagnose, treat, and manage every ocular medical condition and disease. When you are receiving treatment for an ocular condition, you want to know that your doctor and clinical team are intimately familiar with your medical history, treatment plan, and concerns.


• Glaucoma. •. Macular Degen. • Cataracts. • Dry Eye

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Better collaboration for better care

We believe that it is vital that all of your healthcare providers work together to manage your conditions and improve your quality of life. Our support staff prioritizes tight communication and collaboration between your primary physician, ophthalmologist, and other sub-specialists. We serve pediatric, adult, and senior medical eye problems.